Delivery Fee

Serves as an estimate. The actual delivery price will be available on the Invoice.

For non-rush orders, delivery price for all orders is a variable amount calculated as follows: 

$200 delivery fee + ( venue distance from zip code 02038 X $3 )

If same day delivery, pickup, or delivery and pickup is required, an additional charge will be calculated and applied as follows: 

2 X ( venue distance from zip code 02038 X $5 )

For Rush orders, delivery price for all orders is a variable amount calculated as follows: 

$200 delivery fee + ( venue distance from zip code 02038 X $4 )

If same day delivery, pickup, or delivery and pickup is required, an additional charge will be calculated and applied as follows: 

2 X ( venue distance from zip code 02038 X $5 )


This is an estimate. The final delovery price will be available on the Invoice.